Bring innovation to every corner of your operation. Supercharge your crop and yield. Reinvent how you plant, cultivate, and harvest.
Discover the breadth and application of our rice seed products designed for Mercosur growers.
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Sustainable rice agriculture that creates value for farmers, consumers, and the planet.
At RiceTec, we’re committed to revolutionizing rice production. That commitment drove us to become the first company to commercialize hybrid rice seed in India and its surrounding countries. As a technology-based rice company, we’re still innovating today with a focus on products that bring high value to the growers who choose to plant our seed.
The only seed player in the world with a single focus on rice.
The only one with serves the world with the best in rice genetics.
The technology, hybridization, and transformation of rice cultivation.

Welcome to RiceTec. We’re the leading innovator of advanced rice seeds that deliver better farming experiences and crop yield.
All of our rice products are developed by using a new generation breeding platform that delivers highly-efficient rice seeds with an above average marketable yield.
Rice Innovation for Mercosur

Increasing Yields
RiceTec hybrids have consistently outperformed traditional cultivars in various agricultural practices, achieving a remarkable yield increase. This improvement boosts farmer income and enhances food security while reducing the need for additional land and resources.

Improving Performance
RiceTec’s hybrid rice seeds are known for their exceptional performance, delivering higher yield and consistent results even under abiotic stresses. By continuously working to meet local quality requirements tailored to consumer demands, RiceTec customers realize increased farm performance. This unwavering commitment to performance and reliability makes RiceTec a trusted seed partner.

Saving Water
RiceTec hybrids are more robust and exhibit abiotic stress tolerance, enabling a shift to more sustainable water management practices such as Direct Seeded Rice (DSR), Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), and row rice. These practices reduce water usage and enhance sustainability while maintaining productivity

Reducing Labor
Direct-seeded hybrid rice significantly reduces the strenuous labor traditionally associated with rice cultivation. This innovation promotes more sustainable labor practices, making rice farming less physically demanding and more accessible to farmers worldwide.

Lowering Emissions
Traditional rice farming contributes about 20% of global agricultural methane emissions. RiceTec hybrids offer a solution by emitting less methane compared to varieties, thereby reducing emissions. By planting RiceTec hybrids and adopting sustainable water management practices, farmers can further lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Mercosur Seed Innovation
Learn why leading Mercosur farmers rely on RiceTec
Let's Grow Something Together
We are here to assist you with all your rice seed and solution needs, from start to finish. Reach out to RiceTec with your questions. We look forward to building a long-standing and sustainable relationship!
NOTE: All submitted information is subject to RiceTec SA. Privacy Policy.
Call Now
SAC 0800 7210455

BR 158 Highway, KM 346 No Number
PO Box 21,873
District of São Valentim Santa Maria
RS | Brazil
P: SAC 0800 7210455
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Claims are not a guarantee of performance nor a warranty of fitness for a particular use.